Gestalt Integrative Institute is a global network of psychotherapists and supervisors created to support couples, therapists and research worldwide
Gestalt Integrative Institute is a global network of psychotherapists and supervisors created to support couples, therapists and researchers worldwide
Gestalt Integrative Institute is a global network of psychotherapists and supervisors created to support couples, therapists and research worldwide
By qnadmin|2024-02-01T15:18:30+01:00February 1st, 2024|
The first Gestalt Residential was arranged in Budapest in October, 2024, bringing together therapists from Norway, Sweden and Hungary for training, supervision and sharing of experiences as Gestalt Integrative couple therapists.
Dr. Vibeke Visnes presented her Gestalt Integrative Method for Couple Therapy Dr. Visnes with President Nickei Falconer, New Zealand and Gayla Feinstein, US who received the Lifetime Achievement Award
Vibeke Visnes Dr. psych, Gestalt therapist and supervisor
Av Anne Birgitta Nilsen Vibeke Visnes er nyslått doktor og førsteamanuensis ved Norsk Gestaltinstitutt. Hun har nylig avsluttet et doktorgradsarbeid om parterapi. Jeg er hennes student i 4. klasse på gestaltterapistudiet og veldig [...]
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